Thursday, July 7, 2011

Day Three

Today we started by having Ro go for a ride with me in the car!  On the way into the building today it was my day to take charge and give Ro all the cues for opening doors and getting to the classroom.  At times it was a bit frustrating because the door wouldn't work, then it would open and I wasn't maneuvering fast enough and it would start to close before we had even set ourselves up to go through!  Needless to say it took awhile to get to the room!   After we were in the room we did a bit of exercise and then fed her, followed by grooming her!  Today we also practiced using a dremel to file her nails down and I think it went pretty well (for our first time as  a team at least!).  Once we finished all of that we reviewed some of the materials we had been over yesterday and then proceeded to test our skills with the elevator.  This went much smoother (in other words I didn't leave her behind!!)  Maybe we just needed a warm up for the morning!
For the afternoon we came back to our house to let Ro get a feel for it.  She had already been here a few times so she was comfortable relatively quick.  Then we went over some reading materials about how dogs learn and different ways of teaching them.  This was also the first night that Ro would be staying overnight!  So once training had finished for the day, Barb left and it was just me and Ro.  (Well Riley was here...but he is still under the bed and has refused to come out). 
The first thing we did was just sit and talk for a bit.  Then I took her out to go the bathroom and we came in and turned on the TV.  Ellen was on!  But evidently we were both pretty tired because we fell asleep on the couch!  What woke me up was her running in her sleep-it was very cute!  I decided we should just have some cuddle time for a bit and then we did some laundry and picked up around the house.  I figured she might need to use the restroom again, so we went outside and while she was going potty it started to get really windy.  Then all of a sudden lots of lightning and thunder started happening and it started to POUR!  So once she finished we rushed inside and the tornado warning sirens started going off.  So I flipped the TV on, turned it up and went to the bathroom with Ro because that is our 'safe spot' in the house.  I could hear the TV saying how the purple area on the radar was right over where we were and that there could be a possibility of tornadoes because of two storms coming together and creating wind.  It didn't last long, only about 15 min...but it sure made for an exciting first evening together! 
Well, I am heading to bed-both Ro and I are pretty tired and have more exciting things to learn in the morning! :)

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