Saturday, July 9, 2011

'Umbilical Cord Bonding'

Day Four:  Today we did one last training session before we start our umbilical cord bonding time together!  I was so excited that me and Ro were able to do the routine things well together!  We woke up about 5am and I took her outside to pee.  Then we came in and I got ready myself.  Then I got the grooming table out and brushed Ro's fur and teeth.  I also gave her a massage.  We are starting to really trust each other and she even laid down on her side and let me feel her paws, ears and legs.  I'll be doing this each day to make sure she stays healthy.
Barb came to the house in the morning and we went outside and had Ro go to the bathroom.  I got to pick up my first dog turd! (haha!)  That was...weird!  Then we played some retrieve which was fun!  Next, we came in and since Riley still hadn't been out from under the bed, Barb helped me get him out and we introduced them again.  He did o.k. but isn't overly thrilled about the situation yet.  We made sure he got some food and water-then closed the bedroom door so he had to stay out.  I really wanted him to use the restroom because I'd hate for him to get sick.  After we took care of Riley, we went over some more of the cue's to use with Ro.  Barb would demonstrate and then I tried them.  We put a tug rope on the front door, and worked with her so that she can close it for me.  The threshold of our door is pretty wide, so I have a difficult time trying to close it.  I'm excited that she will be helping me with that!  We reviewed the ways that dogs learn and then talked about me and Ro's personalities and the process that CaPR goes through in order to find matches. I think that we are working well together-each day has it's ups and downs, fortunately more ups than downs though!  (Also, before Barb left, she snapped this photo of us!)
After Barb left, we did some laundry together and cleaned out the fridge.  I think Ro is learning that I like to clean a lot!  I just talk to her and she looks at me like she's interested it what I'm saying and wags her tail.  I'm starting to learn some of the things she does, like her little 'boof' when she hears something.  The first time she did it (in the middle of the night) I about jumped out of my skin!  Since I have never had a dog I don't really know what to expect.  I was glad that Barb had told me about the REM sleep of dogs, when she sorta talks and twitches/runs in her sleep. I would have been nervous about that too I imagine!  We also cuddled on the couch again watching some TV.  It rained again, but not anything crazy like yesterday. Hopefully tomorrow Riley will come out with us too!

Day Five:  This morning Ro went poop for me!  How special right?!  Well I was excited that we were able to do it alone.  Then we played some fetch and came inside.  We did the morning routine and got her all brushed and ready.  Then we had breakfast and watched the news.  Today we just relaxed most of the day.  Watched TV, took a nap on the couch together.  We also played retrieve/sit/down/stand in the house and she did such a great job listening to all the cues.  Did a few chores and then watched some videos that Barb gave me of Ro when she was a puppy (so cute!).  There were also skill videos so I got to watch Barb and Ro doing the skills that we have been practicing.  I also refreshed myself on our placement manual.
This evening I took Ro out to go the bathroom again, and she had done such a great job listening in the house that after she peed (and I thought we had waited long enough to see if she needed to poop) that we played fetch.  Well wouldn't you know it-she went a little out of the area I could reach to clean up-and pooped! GREAT!  I just watched and inside was thinking "NO RO!!" and tried to get her attention, but to no avail-she had already done her business. If there wasn't rocks right there I would have tried to wheel out and get it, but I didn't want to tip out of my chair!  So then I tried to find a neighbor to help me clean it up, but none were home...guess we'll have to wait till I can find help to get that one cleaned up.  Oops!  You learn from mistakes right?!  I didn't want to end the night on that note, so we ended the night on the positive with more cuddling!

Day Six:  Today we did our morning routine.  Then we came home and watched some TV, played some more fetch and relaxed.  Barb also called and we went over some more of the materials in the placement manual.  Then I decided to take Ro for a walk outside.  We went and got the mail and walked around our apartment complex.  She did FABULOUS!  After yesterday I have to admit I was worried that she might not listen all the time because it can be hard to get her attention with distractions, but today was so great!  We passed three strangers and she didn't even look at them.  She was focused on me and made sure she didn't get to far ahead or behind me as we went.  Two dogs were also nearby and she didn't even notice because she was paying such close attention.  Also, when we left the house she closed the door without any problems and then closed it when we came in as well!  We seemed to be in sync today, hopefully we can do that tomorrow as well!  We will be going out with Barb for our first public field trips, so it will be an exciting and exhausting day.  

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like the two of you are getting along wonderfully. Still miss that little velvet puppy and all the fun we had training her. Wishing you much success in your new endeavor.

    Barb's the BEST at training but don't hesitate to call me with questions regarding Rowena.

    Hugs, Eileen Griffin
